会長 寶 馨
(国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 理事長)
また、R2ECの活動がきっかけとなり、筑波大学を中心としたいくつかの参画機関による研究プロジェクト「『フェーズフリーな超しなやか社会』を実現する5D-MaaS共創拠点」がJST共創の場形成支援プログラム(共創分野・育成型)に採択され、近年発展の著しいUAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle、ドローン)と次世代の高速情報通信基盤をキーテクノロジーとして、レジリエントな社会の実現を目指して活動しています。ケーススタディとして、日本国内の代表的な地域環境を持つ自治体と協働してさまざまな試みがなされています。
2023年4月1日~ | 寶 馨 氏 (国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 理事長) |
2017年12月26日~2023年3月31日 | 林 春男 氏 (国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 理事長) |

PresidentTAKARA Kaoru
Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium
(President, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Since its establishment on December 26, 2017, through collaboration among the University of Tsukuba, the Tsukuba Science City, and nearby research institutions and companies, the R2EC has carried out various activities. These activities are interdisciplinary in nature, aiming to build a resilient society through academic research and transdisciplinary approaches that apply these outcomes to society.
The consortium has also established a collaborative graduate degree program exploring new research areas in the field of risk and resilience, fostering the next generation of highly specialized professionals and researchers.
Furthermore, inspired by R2EC’s activities, a research project titled "5D-MaaS Co-Creation Hub for Achieving a Phase-Free, Super-Resilient Society," led by the University of Tsukuba and several participating institutions, has been adopted by the JST COI-NEXT (Program on Open Innovation Platforms for Industry-academia Co-creation). This project aims to realize a resilient society using UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and next-generation high-speed communication infrastructure as key technologies. Case studies are being conducted in collaboration with municipalities representing Japan's diverse regional environments to explore various approaches.
Through the implementation of research and education and their application in society, we deeply appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the creation of a new society together with you all.
History of Presidents
From April 1, 2023 | TAKARA Kaoru (President, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience) |
From December 26, 2017, to March 31, 2023 | HAYASHI Haruo (President, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience) |