

世の中を、リスクで診る。レジリエンスで、未来を看る Diagnose our society with risk,Forecast our future with resilience.

近年の不安定な社会情勢により、従来のリスクマネジメントでは対応が難しい事態が増え、新たな概念「レジリエンス」が注目されています。これは「不測の事態に柔軟に対応し、機能を維持・回復する能力」を指します。こうしたニーズに応え、企業や研究機関、大学が協力して「レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム」が設立されました。このコンソーシアムは、リスク・レジリエンス分野のセミナーや研究活動を行うとともに、筑波大学に設置されている学位プログラムの運営母体となり、国際的に活躍する高度専門人材の育成を推進します。Due to increasingly unstable social conditions in recent years, traditional risk management methods are no longer sufficient to address emerging challenges. Consequently, the concept of "resilience" has gained significant attention. Resilience refers to the ability to adapt flexibly to unforeseen circumstances while maintaining and restoring functionality. To meet these growing demands, companies, research institutions, and universities have collaborated to establish the "Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium (R2EC)." This consortium hosts seminars and conducts research in the fields of risk and resilience. Additionally, it serves as the administrative body for a degree program at the University of Tsukuba, aimed at cultivating highly specialized professionals capable of contributing on a global scale.

Building a
Resilient Society

お知らせ・イベント News & Event

参画機関 Consortium Member Institutions

平成29年12月、11の企業・研究機関・大学が「レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム」を設立しました(2025.4.1現在 16機関)。
In December 2017, 11 companies, research institutions, and universities came together to establish the R2EC. As of April 1, 2025, the consortium has grown to include 16 institutions. Its mission is to promote activities that position it as a global hub of knowledge and a cornerstone of education in the field of resilience. This concept, which has garnered increasing attention, encompasses traditional risk management within a broader framework.

  • SECOM Co., LTD.
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  • NEC Corporation
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  • Tokyu Property Management Co.,Ltd.
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  • NTT Space Environment and Energy Laboratories
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  • Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
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  • Tokyu Research Institute, Inc.
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  • N.F. Laboratories Inc.
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  • DRI Japan
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  • Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
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  • Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI)
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  • Electronic Navigation Research Institute (ENRI)
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  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
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  • National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
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  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan (JNIOSH)
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  • National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (Taiwan)
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  • University of Tsukuba
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コンソーシアムについて About the R2EC

毎年シンポジウムを開催し、COVID-19対応やDX社会の実現など、時代のニーズに応じたテーマに取り組んでいます。また、参画機関による研究・実践の成果を筑波大学の学位プログラムに実装し、レジリエンス社会の実現を推進する人材を育成しています。The R2EC hosts an annual symposium focused on themes that address contemporary challenges, such as responses to COVID-19 and the advancement of a digital transformation (DX) society. Moreover, research findings and practical outcomes from participating institutions are incorporated into the University of Tsukuba's degree program, nurturing professionals dedicated to building a resilient society.