レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 第1回シンポジウム開催案内 Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium The 1st Symposium Information



日時 平成30年12月14日(金)14:00~16:50
場所 嘉ノ雅 茗渓館 2階「茗渓」
アクセス情報: http://www.kanobi-meikeikan.com/access/
参加費 第1部・第2部:無料
事前登録 第1部・第2部:準備の都合上、12月2日(日)までに事前登録をお願いします。

第1部 自然・人間社会・サイバー空間に存在するリスクとレジリエンス

14:00-14:05 開会挨拶
清水 諭(筑波大学 副学長(教育担当)・理事)
14:05-14:30 自然災害のリスクに対するレジリエンスの向上
林 春男(防災科学技術研究所 理事長)
14:30-14:55 日本で起こる事件・事故に深く関わる「世間」という構造
甘利 康文(セコム株式会社 IS研究所 リスクマネジメントグループ グループリーダー)
14:55-15:20 情報通信技術(ICT)の進化とサイバーリスク
面 和成(筑波大学 システム情報系 准教授)
15:20-15:50 コーヒーブレイク

第2部 レジリエンス社会の実現に貢献する人材育成

15:50-16:00 コンソーシアムが推進する大学院教育~協働大学院方式による新たな学位プログラム~
遠藤 靖典(筑波大学 システム情報系 教授、リスク工学専攻長)
16:00-16:45 コンソーシアム参画機関によるパネルディスカッション
16:45-16:50 閉会挨拶
谷 幹也(日本電気株式会社 セキュリティ研究所 所長)


17:30-19:00 (参加費2,000円、要事前登録)


【This event has ended.】

The 1st Symposium “Creating Safety and Security ~ The goal of Resilience Research and Education Promotion ~ ” would be held on December 14th, 2018.
In the 1st Symposium, our consortium would transmit our efforts to realize the resilience society.
We also conduct the meeting of exchange of information after closing the 1st Symposium.
We are looking forward to seeing you.

Date December 14th 2018 Friday 14:00~16:50
Venue Kanobi Meikeikan 2F [Meikei]
(1-5-23 Otsuka Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 1 minute walk from [Myogadani] station, Marunouch-line of Tokyo Metro)
Access Information: http://www.kanobi-meikeikan.com/access/
Participation Fee Part 1 and Part 2 : Charge-free
The meeting of exchange of information : 2,000 yen
Pre-registry Part 1 and Part 2 : Please do pre-registration until December 2nd Sunday for preparation.
The participation is also possible on the day.
The meeting of exchange of information : Please do pre-registration until December 2nd Sunday.

Part 1 Risk and Resilience which Exist in Nature, Human Society, and Cyberspace

14:00-14:05 Opening address
Satoshi Shimizu ( Vice President and Executive Director for Education of University of Tsukuba )
14:05-14:30 Improvement of Resilience for Disaster Risk Reduction
Haruo Hayashi ( President of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience )
14:30-14:55 The Structure of [ Society ] that is Deeply Involved with Happenings and Accidents in Japan
Yasufumi Amari ( SECOM Co., Ltd. IS Laboratory, Group leader of Risk Management Group )
14:55-15:20 Evolution of Information and communication technology (ICT) and risk of cyber
Kazumasa Omote ( Associate Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems of University of Tsukuba )
15:20-15:50 Coffee break

Part 2 Fostering Human Resources Who Contribute to Realize Resilience Society

15:50-16:00 Graduate School Education which Promoted by the Consortium ~New Master’s/Doctoral Program by Collaborative Graduate School Program ~
Yasunori Endo ( Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems / Chair of Department of Risk Engineering of University of Tsukuba)
16:00-16:45 Panel Discussion by the Associated Institutions of this Consortium
16:45-16:50 Closing address
Mikiya Tani ( NEC Corporation, General Manager of Security Research Laboratories )

Exchange of Information

17:30-19:00 ( Participation fees are 2,000 yen, pre-registration is needed. )

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