第4回レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムシンポジウム 開催報告 Event Report: The 4th R2EC Symposium “Toward the Realization of a Resilient Society with New Normal -Reflections brought about by the COVID-19-“
2021年10月13日(水)、第4回レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムシンポジウム「ニューノーマルに拠るレジリエンス社会の実現に向けて ~COVID-19がもたらした気づき~」を開催しました。
臼田氏の講演では、「ニューノーマルで変わるデジタル防災技術」と題し、防災・レジリエンスの文脈でニューノーマルは「Build Back Better(より良い復興)」という言葉で捉えることができ、防災分野ではずっと取り組んできたことであるという考えを共有いただきました。続いて、Build Back Betterに向けた具体的な取組みとして、異なる主体・組織間で即時情報共有するための2つのデジタル防災技術を紹介いただきました。
第2部では、第1部で講演された久野氏、田中氏、臼田氏をパネラーに迎えて「ニューノーマルに拠るレジリエンス社会の実現に向けて ~COVID-19がもたらした気づき~」というテーマでパネルディスカッションが行われ、3つの講演に共通するキーワードであったICTや、リテラシーの問題,日本式イノベーションの起こし方などについて、それぞれの専門や機関の種別を超えて分野横断的な議論が行われました。さらに、ZoomウェビナーのQ&A機能を利用して会場からも数多くの質問が寄せられ、盛況なディスカッションとなりました。

図 パネルディスカッションの様子
日時 | 2021年10月13日(水)13:30-16:40 |
場所 | オンライン(Zoomウェビナー) |
備考 | 参加無料、日英同時通訳付 |
総合司会 西出 隆志 筑波大学システム情報系 准教授 リスク・レジリエンス工学学位学位プログラム
13:30-13:35 | 開会挨拶 佐波 晶 氏(大日本印刷株式会社、筑波大学 准教授(協働大学院)) |
第1部 講演
13:35-14:05 | 講演①「コロナ禍における健康リテラシーと政策、世論、及び住民行動との関係」 久野 譜也 氏(筑波大学 教授、大学院スポーツウエルネス学学位プログラムリーダー、スマートウエルネスシティ政策開発研究センター長) |
14:05-14:35 | 講演②「コロナ禍で見えてきた情報社会インフラの姿とスマートシティへの適用について」 田中 淳裕 氏(NEC セキュアシステム研究所 所長) |
14:35-15:05 | 講演③「ニューノーマルで変わるデジタル防災技術」 臼田 裕一郎 氏(国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 総合防災情報センター長、筑波大学 教授(協働大学院)) |
第2部 パネルディスカッション
15:15-16:30 | パネルディスカッション「ニューノーマルに拠るレジリエンス社会の実現に向けて ~COVID-19がもたらした気づき~」 モデレーター:遠藤 靖典 氏(レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 副会長、筑波大学システム情報系 教授、システム情報工学研究群長) 登壇者:各講演者 |
16:30-16:40 | 閉会挨拶 林 春男 氏(レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 会長、国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 理事長) |
On October 13, the Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium (R2EC) held the 4th Symposium “Toward the Realization of a Resilient Society with New Normal -Reflections brought about by the COVID-19-“.
The number of participants reached more than 150 people from universities, research institutes, companies, and government offices, including some overseas organizations. The symposium was supported by 20 academic societies, associations, councils, and newspapers.
In the first part, Prof. Shinya Kuno, a chair of the Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Sport and Wellness Promotion at the Univ. of Tsukuba, Mr. Atsuhiro Tanaka of NEC Secure Systems Res. Labs., and Prof. Yuichiro Usuda of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) gave lectures on the insights brought by COVID-19 from the fields of health, ICT, and disaster prevention.
In his lecture titled “The interaction between health literacy, governmental policy, public opinion, and people behavior under the COVID-19 pandemic,” Prof. Kuno reported the situation of reduced exercise habits and decreased cognitive functions brought about by self-restraint and stay-home, and shared measures to improve these conditions and the three literacies necessary for COVID-19 prevention (health literacy, information identification literacy, and ICT literacy of the elderly).
In his presentation titled “The Future Image of Information Infrastructure for a Society and Its Application to Smart Cities through COVID-19 disease,” Mr. Tanaka introduced the progress of information and communication systems such as the data platform “Urban OS,” which is an important infrastructure for realizing smart cities, and then summarized the realization of resilience from the aspect of information service provision.
Prof. Usuda’s presentation was titled “Digital Technology for Disaster Resilience with New Normal”, and he shared the idea that the “New Normal” can be understood as “Build Back Better” in the context of disaster prevention and resilience, and that it is something that the disaster prevention field has been working on for a long time. He then introduced two digital disaster prevention technologies for immediate information sharing among different entities and organizations as a concrete approach to Build Back Better.
In the second part, Prof. Kuno, Mr. Tanaka, and Prof. Usuda, who gave lectures in the first part, were invited as panelists to hold a panel discussion on the theme of ” Toward the Realization of a Resilient Society with New Normal -Reflections brought about by the COVID-19-“. The panelists had cross-disciplinary discussions on ICT, literacy, and Japanese-style innovation, which were the common keywords of the three presentations, beyond their own specialties and types of institutions. In addition, many questions were asked from the audience by using the Q&A function of the Zoom webinar, and the discussion was very successful.
According to the questionnaire (collection rate: 45.7%), 88% of the respondents were satisfied with the symposium. In this symposium, we were able to reconfirm the high level of social interest in risk and resilience in the era of New Normal, and we were also able to disseminate the activities of the Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium to participants nationwide through the online symposium.

Figure 1 At the time of Panel Discussion (Clockwise from left top: Mr. Tanaka, Prof. Usuda, Prof. Kuno, and Prof. Endo)
Date | Wednesday, October 13, 2021 1.30 pm to 4.40 pm (JST) |
Venue | Zoom Webinar |
Language | Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation[JP→EN] provided) |
Note | Admission Free |
MC: Takashi NISHIDE (Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba)
13:30-13:35 | Opening Remarks Sho SANAMI Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd./ Associate Professor (Collaborative Graduate School Program), University of Tsukuba |
Part 1: Presentations
13:35-14:05 | Presentation 1 “The interaction between health literacy, governmental policy, public opinion, and people behavior under the COVID-19 pandemic” Shinya KUNO Professor, Chair of the Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Sport and Wellness Promotion, University of Tsukuba |
14:05-14:35 | Presentation 2 “The Future Image of Information Infrastructure for a Society and Its Application to Smart Cities through COVID-19 disease” Atsuhiro TANAKA General Manager, Secure Systems Res. Labs., NEC Corporation |
14:35-15:05 | Presentation 3 “Digital Technology for Disaster Resilience with New Normal” Yuichiro USUDA Director-General of the Center for Comprehensive Management of Disaster Information, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)/ Professor (Collaborative Graduate School Program), University of Tsukuba |
Part 2: Panel Discussion
15:15-16:30 | Panel Discussion “Toward the Realization of a Resilient Society with New Normal -Reflections brought about by the COVID-19-” Moderator: Yasunori ENDO(VP of the R2EC, University of Tsukuba) Panelists: 3 guest speakers from Part 1 |
16:30-16:40 | Closing Remarks Haruo HAYASHI President of the R2EC, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience |
For the Event Announcement, please visithere.