
We held a Concurrent Session in Tsukuba Conference 2019.

Posted on:2019.10.03

On October 3rd, 2019, at the Tsukuba Conference 2019 held in Tsukuba International Congress Center (Tsukuba City), SECOM Co., LTD., National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, and University of Tsukuba, which participates in our consortium collaboratively held a Concurrent Session.

The Concurrent Session was titled “Disaster Resilience, Human Factors, Cyber Resilience toward Realization of Resilience Society”, and from the standpoint of each field, research presentations were shared for the realization of resilience society .

There were more than 40 participants at the venue. There were positive comments in the discussion, and we were able to share the following matters.

・The situation around resilience in each field is very different.
・In a system with diverse members, the change is rapid and the prerequisites are actually changing dramatically. Realizing a resilience society is difficult, but it is an urgent issue.

A detailed report on the event will be made later.

Date October 3rd, 2019 Thursday 13:30~15:00
Venue Tsukuba International Congress Center 2nd floor Conference Room 201B
(2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 10 minute walk from Tsukuba Station)
note  Invitation-only event, Free


Moderator Yuichiro Usuda Director-General, Center for Comprehensive Management of Disaster Information, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience

13:30-13:35 Opening Remarks
Yasunori Endo Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba/Chair of Master’s/Doctoral Program in Risk Engineering
13:35-13:40 Explanation of Purpose
Yuichiro Usuda
13:40-13:50 Mass Movement Warning System in Taiwan Using Soil Water Index
Chi-Wen Chen Research Fellow, Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Research Division, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
13:50-14:00 Human Factors Solutions For Improving Human Interaction with Automation
Husam Muslim Student, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Doctoral Program in Risk Engineering, University of Tsukuba
14:00-14:10 Cybersecurity toward Resilient Social Infrastructure
Masaki Shimaoka Senior Research Engineer, Intelligent Systems Laboratory Communication Platform Division Cyber Security Group, SECOM Co.,Ltd,
14:10-14:50 Discussion
14:50-15:00 Summary & Closing Remarks
Yuichiro Usuda