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2020.03.05 03.05.2020 令和元年度第2回運営委員会を開催しました。 We held the Steering Committee.
2020年3月5日、運営委員会を開催しました。 今回は新型コロナウイルスの影響により、ウェブ会議形式へ変更しました。 The AY2019 2nd Steering Committee of Resilience Research and Education Promotion was held on March 5th, 2020. Due to the impact of COVID-19, we have decided to hold a web conference.
2019.10.25 10.25.2019 運営委員会を開催しました。 We held the Steering Committee.
2019年10月25日、関西大学 梅田キャンパス(大阪府大阪市)にて、レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム運営委員会を開催しました。 We held the Steering Committee of Resilience Research and Education Promotion at Umeda Campus, Kansai University (Osaka city) on October 25th, 2019.
2019.10.03 10.03.2019 筑波会議2019にてサブセッションを開催しました。 We held a Concurrent Session in Tsukuba Conference 2019.
2019年10月3日、つくば国際会議場(つくば市)にて開催された筑波会議2019にて、本コンソーシアム参画機関であるセコム株式会社、国立研究開発法人 防災科学技術研究所、國家災害防救科技中心(台湾)、国立大学法人 筑波大学の4機関の協働によるサブセッションを開催しました。 サブセッションは「レジリエンス社会の実現に向けた防災・ヒューマンファクター・サイバーレ... On October 3rd, 2019, at the Tsukuba Conference 2019 held in Tsukuba International Congress Center (Tsukuba City), SECOM Co., LTD., National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, and University of Tsukuba, which participates in our consortium collaboratively held a Concurrent Session. The Concurrent Session was titled “Disaster Resilience, Human Factors, Cyber Resilience toward Realization of Resilience Society”, and from the standpoint of each field, research presentations were shared for the realization of resilience society . The Concurrent Session was titled “Disaster Resilience, Human Factors, Cyber Resilience toward Realization of Resilience Society”, and from the standpoint of each field, research presentations were shared for the realization of resilience society . ・The situation around resilience in each field is very different. ・In a system with diverse members, the change is rapid and the prerequisites are actually changing dramatically. Realizing a resilience society is difficult, but it is an urgent issue. A detailed report on the event will be made later. Date October 3rd, 2019 Thursday 13:30~15:00 Venue Tsukuba International Congress Center 2nd floor Conference Room 201B (2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 10 minute walk from Tsukuba Station) note Invitation-only event, Free Program Moderator Yuichiro Usuda Director-General, Center for Comprehensive Management of Disaster Information, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience 13:30-13:35 Opening Remarks Yasunori Endo Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba/Chair of Master’s/Doctoral Program in Risk Engineering 13:35-13:40 Explanation of Purpose Yuichiro Usuda 13:40-13:50 Mass Movement Warning System in Taiwan Using Soil Water Index Chi-Wen Chen Research Fellow, Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Research Division, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience 13:50-14:00 Human Factors Challenges in Human-Machine Systems: Application to Human-Automation Interaction Husam Muslim Student, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Doctoral Program in Risk Engineering, University of Tsukuba 14:00-14:10 Cybersecurity toward Resilient Social Infrastructure Masaki Shimaoka Senior Research Engineer, Intelligent Systems Laboratory Communication Platform Division Cyber Security Group, SECOM Co.,Ltd, 14:10-14:50 Discussion 14:50-15:00 Summary & Closing Remarks Yuichiro Usuda
2019.06.03 06.03.2019 日本自動車研究所にて総会および見学会を開催しました。 We held the General Assembly and tour in Japan Automobile Research Institute.
2019年6月3日、日本自動車研究所(茨城県つくば市)にて、レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム総会および見学会を開催しました。 We held the General Assembly of Resilience Research and Education Promotion and tour in Japan Automobile Research Institute (Tsukuba City) on June 3rd, 2019.
2019.04.01 04.01.2019 コンソーシアム参画機関から11名が筑波大学客員教員に任用されました。 11 people from our consortium participating institute have been appointed as visiting faculty at University of Tsukuba
2019年4月1日、コンソーシアム参画機関から次の11名が筑波大学客員教員に任用されました。こちらの客員教員は、筑波大学リスク工学専攻において研究指導・授業を行い、これまで各機関で培ってきた専門的・実践的な知識や技術により人材を育成します。 (敬称略) 所属するコンソーシアム参画機関 職名 氏名 HPリンク 分野 テーマ 日本自動車研究所 客員教授 安部 原... On April 1, 2019, the following 11 people from our Consortium Participating Organization have been appointed as visiting faculty at the University of Tsukuba. They will give research guidance and classes at the Department of Risk Engineering at the University of Tsukuba, and will implement the specialized and practical knowledge and techniques that have been cultivated at each institution in human resource development. (敬称略) Participating Institute Job Title Name HP Link Field Theme Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI) Visiting Professor ABE Genya HP Link Total Risk Management Vehicle safety: interactions between human and advanced driver assistance systems, trust in automated driving systems, recognition, decision and implementation while driving Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI) Visiting Professor UCHIDA Nobuyuki HP Link Total Risk Management Human error analysis and traffic accident prevention, Safety evaluation for automated driving systems National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan (JNIOSH) Visiting Associate Professor OKABE Kohei HP Link Total Risk Management Risk Management: labor accident, safety design, collaborate robot, nursing care equipment National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Visiting Associate Professor SATO Toshihisa HP Link Total Risk Management Science of driving pleasure, Cognitive and behavior characteristics of elderly drivers, and Ergonomic experiments of drivers with automated and advanced driver assistance systems SECOM Co., LTD. Visiting Associate Professor SHIMAOKA Masaki HP Link Cyber Risk Information Security and Trust: PKI application(e-signature, authentication), Trust model of PKI, Social Trust of Information Infrastructure, ethical process for security research National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) Visiting Professor USUDA Yuichiro HP Link Urban Risk Disaster Informatics, Disaster Dynamics, Cyber-Physical System for Disaster Resilience, Risk Communication, Decision Support National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) Visiting Professor SAKAI Naoki HP Link Urban Risk Geotechnical engineering, Landslides, Heavy rainfall-induced disaster, Model tests, IoT/AI, Satellite and remote sensing data, Disaster risk, TDA(Trans-disciplinary approach) National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) Visiting Professor FUJIWARA Hiroyuki HP Link Urban Risk Seismic hazard and risk assessment, Numerical simulation, Strong motion prediction, Subsurface structure Modeling, Real-time earthquake damage estimation system National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Visiting Professor KATO Kazuhiko HP Link Environmental and Energy System Risk Safety Management Measures and Evaluation Methods for Photovoltaic Power Plants National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Visiting Professor TAHARA Kiyotaka HP Link Environmental and Energy System Risk Development of sustainability assessment based on life cycle thinking, inventory database, technology assessment Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) Visiting Professor YAMAMOTO Hiromi HP Link Environmental and Energy System Risk Low carbon energy systems analysis, Evaluation of renewables and hydrogen technologies in energy systems
2019.03.26 03.26.2019 國家災害防救科技中心(台湾)にてリスク・レジリエンスセミナーを開催しました。 We held Risk and Resilience Seminar in National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (Taiwan)
2019年3月26日、國家災害防救科技中心(台湾)にて、本コンソーシアム主催のリスク・レジリエンスセミナー(公開)を開催しました。 台湾科学技術省 大臣代理のDar-Bin Shieh氏から開会挨拶をいただいた後、リスク・レジリエンス分野の研究・教育について本コンソーシアムの林会長、甘利副会長、遠藤委員が発表し、質疑応答を行いました。 國家災害防救科技中心や... On March 26, 2019, the Consortium held Risk and Resilience Seminar (opened) in National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (Taiwan). After opening address from Dr. Dar-Bin Shieh, Deputy Minister, Science and Technology, Taiwan, Dr. Hayashi, Chairman of the Consortium, Mr. Amari, Vice-chairman, and Dr. Endo, made a presentation on research and education in the risk and resilience field, and conducted questions and answers. With more than 80 people, including researchers from National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, National Taiwan University, and disaster prevention officials from Taipei City and New Taipei City, they shared common issues related to disaster prevention and security between Japan and Taiwan. Date March 26th 2019 Tuesday 15:30~17:00 (Taiwan time) Venue 15th floor of Union Development Building (No.200, Sec. 3, Beisin Rd., Xindian District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan) Participation Fee Free プログラム 15:30-15:35 Opening address Dar-Bin Shieh (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan) 15:35-15:45 Graduate School Education which Promoted by the Consortium ~New Master’s/Doctoral Program by Collaborative Graduate School Program~ Yasunori Endo (Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Chair of Master’s/Doctoral Program in Risk Engineering) 15:45-16:10 Improvement of Resilience for Disaster Risk Reduction Haruo Hayashi (President of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience) 16:10-16:35 The Essence of Security Yasufumi Amari (SECOM Co., Ltd. IS Laboratory, Group leader of Risk Management Group) 16:35-16:55 Questions and Answers 16:55-17:00 Closing Address Hongey Chen (Director, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction)
2019.03.26 03.26.2019 國家災害防救科技中心(台湾)にて運営委員会および見学会を開催しました。 We held the Steering Committee and tour in National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (Taiwan).
2019年3月26日、國家災害防救科技中心(台湾)にて、レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム運営委員会および見学会を開催しました。27日には台湾大学、台北市災害應變中心、台湾セコム(中興保全股份有限公司)を訪問し、研究・事業紹介や見学会を開催いただきました。 We held the Steering Committee of Resilience Research and Education Promotion and tour in National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (New Taipei City, Taiwan) on March 26th, 2019. We are also offered Research / Business introduction and tour by National Taiwan University, Taipei Emergency Operation Center, and Taiwan Secom in 27th.
2019.02.04 02.04.2019 国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 平成30年度成果発表会 開催案内 国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 平成30年度成果発表会 開催案内
防災科学技術研究所は、平成31年2月22日(金)に、平成30年度成果発表会「生きる、を支える科学技術」を開催します。 今回の成果発表会では、第一部で平成30年に発生した災害に対する当研究所の取り組みを紹介します。 また、第二部では、約80に及ぶ当研究所の研究成果のポスター発表を行います。 最後に第三部では、災害時における関係機関間の情報共有を目的として開発さ... 防災科学技術研究所は、平成31年2月22日(金)に、平成30年度成果発表会「生きる、を支える科学技術」を開催します。 今回の成果発表会では、第一部で平成30年に発生した災害に対する当研究所の取り組みを紹介します。 また、第二部では、約80に及ぶ当研究所の研究成果のポスター発表を行います。 最後に第三部では、災害時における関係機関間の情報共有を目的として開発さ...
2018.12.14 12.14.2018 運営委員会を開催しました。 We held Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium The 1st Symposium.
2018年12月14日、嘉ノ雅 茗渓館(東京都文京区)にて、レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム運営委員会を開催しました。 December 14th, 2018, to transmit our efforts for realization of the resilience society, we held the 1st Symposium “Creating Safety and Security ~ The goal of Resilience Research and Education Promotion ~ “. Detailed report is here (Japanese).
2018.11.27 11.27.2018 大日本印刷にて運営委員会および見学会を開催しました。 We held the Steering Committee and tour in Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP).
2018年11月27日、大日本印刷 五反田ビル(東京都品川区)にて、レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム運営委員会および見学会を開催しました。 We held the Steering Committee of Resilience Research and Education Promotion and tour in Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd Gotanda building (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo) on November 27th, 2018.