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2021.02.16 02.16.2021 第3回レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムシンポジウム 開催報告 Event Report: The 3rd R²EC Symposium “Building Risk Resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic”
2021年2月3日(水),第3回レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムシンポジウム「新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に学ぶ これからのリスク・レジリエンスのあり方」を開催しました. 当日の参加者数は130名超にのぼり,一部海外機関を含む大学,研究機関,企業,官公庁などからの参加がありました. また,18の学会,協会,協議会,新聞社から後援いただき... On February 3rd, 2021, the 3rd R²EC Symposium “Building Risk Resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic” was held online. There were more than 130 participants, including universities, research institutes, companies, and public sectors. In Part 1, there were three presentations about issues brought about by COVID-19 and measures in response to it from different perspectives of medical practice, BCP/M and social simulation. In Part 2, at the panel discussion “Building Resilient Society To Our New Normal” , a cross-disciplinary and interactive discussion was made between panelists and participants. According to the questionnaire (response rate 52.3%), 97% of the respondents were satisfied with the symposium. Through this symposium, we found that participants are highly interested in the topic of risk and resilience against the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it was a great opportunity to disseminate the activities of the R²EC to distant participants including oversea institutions. Date Wednesday, February 3, 2021 1.30 pm to 4.40 pm (JST) Venue Zoom Webinar Language Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation[JP→EN] provided) Note Admission Free Program Host: Kazumasa Omote (Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba) Part 1: Presentations 13:30-13:35 Opening Remarks Keiichi Okajima (Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba) 13:35-14:05 Presentation 1 “Changes in medical practice brought about by COVID-19” Kyoko Suzuki MD, Ph.D, (Department of Pediatrics, Juntendo University Nerima Hospital) 14:05-14:35 Presentation 2 “Now is the time to work on “business continuity” seriously: BCP/M for COVID-19″ Kanryu Nagase (President, DRI Japan) 14:35-15:05 Presentation 3 “Consideration of COVID-19 infection prevention measures compatible with the local economy” Setsuya Kurahashi (Professor, Faculty of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Part 2: Panel Discussion 15:15-16:30 Panel Discussion “Building Resilient Society To Our New Normal” Moderator: Yasunori Endo (VP of the R²EC, University of Tsukuba) Panelists: 3 guest speakers from Part 1 16:30-16:40 Closing Remarks Haruo Hayashi (President of the R²EC, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
2021.02.03 02.03.2021 【オンライン】第3回レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムシンポジウム 開催案内 The 3rd R²EC Symposium “Building Risk Resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic” (Feb 3, 2021)
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2020.10.01 10.01.2020 2020年10月7日~10月9日に開催される情報セキュリティ対策イベント「Security Days 2020」に後援しております 2020年10月7日~10月9日に開催される情報セキュリティ対策イベント「Security Days 2020」に後援しております
2020年10月7日~10月9日に情報セキュリティ対策イベント「Security Days 2020」が開催されます。 当コンソーシアムも後援しておりますので、ご興味がございましたら、ぜひご覧ください。 Security Days 2020(参加料無料・事前登録制):https://go.f2ff.jp/secdf20topspoalleventpr41 2020年10月7日~10月9日に情報セキュリティ対策イベント「Security Days 2020」が開催されます。 当コンソーシアムも後援しておりますので、ご興味がございましたら、ぜひご覧ください。 Security Days 2020(参加料無料・事前登録制):https://go.f2ff.jp/secdf20topspoalleventpr41
2019.10.25 10.25.2019 Joint Seminar 減災・レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 共同シンポジウム 開催報告 We held the Joint Symposium by Joint Seminar Gensai and Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium.
令和元年10月25日(金)、Joint Seminar 減災・レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム共同シンポジウム「『想定外』を想定できるこれからの人材育成とは―教員・学生・企業の視点から―」を開催しました。 第1部の講演・話題提供では、筑波大学・関西大学のほか、事業継続計画の専門家を認証する団体であるDRIジャパン、セキュリティ分野をリードする企業のNE... On October 25 (Fri), 2019, we held the Joint Symposium “Future Human Resource Development that Can Expect Unexpected ― From the Perspective of Teachers, Students, and Companies ― ” by Joint Seminar Gensai and Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium . In the 1st session about lectures and topics, in addition to the University of Tsukuba and Kansai University, DRI Japan, an organization that certifies business continuity plan experts, NEC, a leading company in the security field, and an adult student from the University of Tsukuba presented about human resource development and what is required for human resource development. In the 2nd session avout panel discussion, specific discussions were held regarding what kind of human resource development should be promoted in order to realize a resilience society by confirming the common points of each case of the presenters. We were able to study and share human resource development beyond the type of institution, and this is the main achievement of this symposium. Participants amounted to 75 people including 24 general people. Questions were raised by raising their hands, and opinions and comments were gathered using opinion / comment papers, and this enables interactive discussions. According to the questionnaire results, 78% were satisfied with this symposium. The theme setting of human resource development was also highly evaluated, and there was a demand for human resource development at the next symposium. The result of this symposium was that we were able to confirm once again that human resource development is a high-interesting theme and to spread the activities of the Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium in the Kansai area.
2019.08.21 08.21.2019 Joint Seminar 減災・レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 共同シンポジウム 開催案内 Joint Seminar Gensai and Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium The Joint Symposium Information
【このイベントは終了しました。】 令和元年10月25日(金)に、関西大学梅田キャンパス(大阪市)にて、Joint Seminar 減災とレジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムによる共同シンポジウム「『想定外』を想定できるこれからの人材育成とは―教員・学生・企業の視点から―」を開催します。世の中では低い確率で起こることを「想定外」といいますが、「想定外」を想定... 【This event has ended.】 Joint Seminar Gensai and Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium will hold the joint symposium “Future Human Resource Development that Can Expect Unexpected ― From the Perspective of Teachers, Students, and Companies ― ” on October 25th, 2019, at Kansai University Umeda Campus. What happens in the world with a low probability is called “unexpected”, but teachers, students, and companies will consider various aspects of how to develop resilience human resources who can expect “unexpected”. After the lecture and panel discussion, we hold a reception. We look forward to your participation. Date October 25th 2019 Friday 14:00~18:00 Venue Kansai University Umeda Campus KANDAI Me RISE 8th floor big hall (1-5 Tsuruno-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka city, Osaka, 5 minutes walk from Hankyu [Umeda] station, 10 minutes walk from JR [Osaka] station) Access Information:http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/umeda/access/ Participation Fee Part 1 and Part 2 : Charge-free The Reception : 1,000 yen Pre-registry Part 1 and Part 2 : Part 1 and Part 2 : Please do pre-registration until October 9th Wednesday for preparation.The participation is also possible on the day. The Reception : Please do pre-registration necessarily until October 9th Wednesday. Program Moderator: Hiroshi Furukawa (Associate Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems of University of Tsukuba) Part 1 14:00-14:05 Opening Address Haruo Hayashi Chairman of Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience) 14:05-14:20 Lecture: Human Resource Development in University of Tsukuba Keiichi Okajima (Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems of University of Tsukuba) 14:20-14:35 Topic Offering 1: Human Resource Development in DRI Japan Kanryu Nagase (Chair of Board of Directors, DRI-Japan) 14:35-14:50 Topic Offering 2: Human Resource Development in NEC Mikiya Tani (General Manager of Security Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation) 14:50-15:05 Topic Offering 3: Human Resource Development in Kansai University Shingo Nagamatsu (Professor of Faculty of Safety Science Department of Safety Management, Kansai University) 15:05-15:20 Topic Offering 4: Human Resource Development from the Viewpoint of Adult Student Hitoshi Kinoshita (Student, Master’s Program in Risk Engineering, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba) 15:20-15:30 Break Part 2 15:30-16:45 Panel Discussion “Future Human Resource Development that Can Expect Unexpected” Moderator: Yasufumi Amari (Intelligent Systems Laboratory, SECOM Co.,Ltd,) Speakers: Keiichi Okajima, Kanryu Nagase, Mikiya Tani, Shingo Nagamatsu 16:45-16:50 Closing Address Yasunori Endo Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems / Chair of Department of Risk Engineering of University of Tsukuba Reception 17:00-18:00 (Participation fees are 1,000 yen, pre-registration is needed. ) Inquiry Inquiry fromhere
2019.02.13 02.13.2019 レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 第1回シンポジウム開催報告 レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 第1回シンポジウム開催報告
レジリエンス社会の実現に向けた、本コンソーシアムの取り組みを発信するため、レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム第1回シンポジウム「安全・安心を創る~レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムが目指すもの~」を、2018年12月14日に東京茗荷谷の嘉ノ雅 茗渓館(旧茗渓会館)に於いて筑波大学共催にて開催いたしました。エネルギー・資源学会をはじめ、日本エネルギー学... レジリエンス社会の実現に向けた、本コンソーシアムの取り組みを発信するため、レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム第1回シンポジウム「安全・安心を創る~レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムが目指すもの~」を、2018年12月14日に東京茗荷谷の嘉ノ雅 茗渓館(旧茗渓会館)に於いて筑波大学共催にて開催いたしました。エネルギー・資源学会をはじめ、日本エネルギー学...
2018.09.20 09.20.2018 レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアム 第1回シンポジウム開催案内 Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium The 1st Symposium Information
【このイベントは終了しました。】 平成30年12月14日に、第1回シンポジウム「安全・安心を創る~レジリエンス研究教育推進コンソーシアムが目指すもの~」を開催します。第1回シンポジウムでは、レジリエンス社会の実現に向けた、本コンソーシアムの取り組みを発信します。シンポジウム閉会後、情報交換会も行います。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。 日時 平成30年12... 【This event has ended.】 The 1st Symposium “Creating Safety and Security ~ The goal of Resilience Research and Education Promotion ~ ” would be held on December 14th, 2018. In the 1st Symposium, our consortium would transmit our efforts to realize the resilience society. We also conduct the meeting of exchange of information after closing the 1st Symposium. We are looking forward to seeing you. Date December 14th 2018 Friday 14:00~16:50 Venue Kanobi Meikeikan 2F [Meikei] (1-5-23 Otsuka Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 1 minute walk from [Myogadani] station, Marunouch-line of Tokyo Metro) Access Information: http://www.kanobi-meikeikan.com/access/ Participation Fee Part 1 and Part 2 : Charge-free The meeting of exchange of information : 2,000 yen Pre-registry Part 1 and Part 2 : Please do pre-registration until December 2nd Sunday for preparation. The participation is also possible on the day. The meeting of exchange of information : Please do pre-registration until December 2nd Sunday. Program Part 1 Risk and Resilience which Exist in Nature, Human Society, and Cyberspace 14:00-14:05 Opening address Satoshi Shimizu ( Vice President and Executive Director for Education of University of Tsukuba ) 14:05-14:30 Improvement of Resilience for Disaster Risk Reduction Haruo Hayashi ( President of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience ) 14:30-14:55 The Structure of [ Society ] that is Deeply Involved with Happenings and Accidents in Japan Yasufumi Amari ( SECOM Co., Ltd. IS Laboratory, Group leader of Risk Management Group ) 14:55-15:20 Evolution of Information and communication technology (ICT) and risk of cyber Kazumasa Omote ( Associate Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems of University of Tsukuba ) 15:20-15:50 Coffee break Part 2 Fostering Human Resources Who Contribute to Realize Resilience Society 15:50-16:00 Graduate School Education which Promoted by the Consortium ~New Master’s/Doctoral Program by Collaborative Graduate School Program ~ Yasunori Endo ( Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems / Chair of Department of Risk Engineering of University of Tsukuba) 16:00-16:45 Panel Discussion by the Associated Institutions of this Consortium 16:45-16:50 Closing address Mikiya Tani ( NEC Corporation, General Manager of Security Research Laboratories ) Exchange of Information 17:30-19:00 ( Participation fees are 2,000 yen, pre-registration is needed. ) Inquiry Inquiry fromhere